A country in southeastern Africa. 540 miles from north to south. Population estimated at around 19 million. "Endowed with spectacular highlands and extensive lakes, it occupies a narrow, curving strip of land along the East African Rift Valley. Lake Nyasa, known in Malawi as Lake Malawi, accounts for more than one-fifth of the country’s total area. (Brittanica, 2020)"

"Malawi at a Glance
Population: 18,622,104 (2017)
Per capita income: $1,180
Life expectancy at birth: F 66/M 61 years
Infant mortality rate: 42/1,000 live births
Malawi Top 10 Causes of DeathHIV/AIDS
Neonatal disorders
Lower respiratory infections
Diarrheal diseases
Ischemic heart disease
Congenital defects
(CDC, 2020)
"United States at a Glance
Population: 328.2 (2019)
Per capita income: $63,690
Life expectancy at birth: 78
Infant mortality rate: 5.7/1,000 live births
United States Top 10 Causes of DeathHeart disease
Accidents (unintentional injuries)
Chronic lower respiratory diseases
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases)
Alzheimer’s disease
Influenza and pneumonia
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis
Intentional self-harm (suicide)"
(CDC, 2020)
Cases: 5,716
Recoveries: 4,026
Deaths: 179
United States
Cases: 6.86M
Recoveries: 3.71M
Deaths: 202K"
(Worldometer, 2020)
Works Cited
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